Senin, 06 Desember 2010

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011

Starkiller here. Shut up, and listen to my review. If you want to talk, comment this post or say it in cbox. I hate Darth Vader Forever. PES 2011 yeah? lets go.

You've heard it all before; this will be the year where Pro Evolution Soccer steals the break on FIFA, when it makes up for the ground lost since it stuttered on to the current generation and when it can finally reclaim the glory lost since its PlayStation 2 heyday. This year Pro Evolution Soccer will be back - it's a mantra that's become wearier as the promise is broken year on year.

Not that Konami's Tokyo team have been producing bad games – last year's Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 was a great effort that managed to stay faithful to the formula laid out some nine years ago, and in many ways it perfected it. The result was a game of football that, while not as exacting or authentic as FIFA, was exciting and, most importantly, a world of fun. But the formula itself is creaking all too loudly; so what better time for a reboot?

It's been promised for some time, and given FIFA's dominance and how Pro Evolution Soccer has struggled to gain a foothold on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 it's arguably four years overdue. Regardless it's here at last, and Pro Evolution Soccer 2011does what Pro Evolution 6 should have done; it tears up the style sheet, kick-starts a fresh brand of football and is unlike anything you've ever experienced from the series. This truly is a new dawn for Pro Evolution Soccer.

So new that it's initially a struggle to get to grips with, and after a twenty minute session we're still left learning the ropes. What proves so tough to get our heads around is the new freedom in passing, a feature that fundamentally changes the way that Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 is played.

Passes are now informed by power meters that appear under the player in possession, a graphic that's stylish, unobtrusive and absolutely central to pulling off decent balls to team-mates. It's now all manual, requiring something of a rewiring for a mind schooled in nearly ten years of Pro Evolution Soccer's old ping-pong system; players must calculate whether they pass to their teammate's left or right foot, or apply more power to send it forward into space. There's still a through-ball button, but everything it's capable of can now be achieved with a well thought-out pass, and when it sticks the game is much more satisfying for it.

There are similarities of course to what EA Sports is trying to achieve with FIFA 11's Pro Passing feature (and it's amusing to see after last year's introduction of 360 degree passing in both games that again their biggest feature is shared – either indicating an eerie mind-link between the two or suggesting that there's a spy in the midst), but Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 takes it two steps further and pins its entire game on it.

The results are difficult to come to terms with at first, and our hands-on has us floundering around the pitch, misplacing passes and struggling to get the team working as a whole (which puts to mind the performance of a certain national team struggling on the world stage right now). With the added mental processing power required to make moves stick it's undoubtedly a slower game than before, though that in itself can be remedied by a new option to alter the game's tempo.

Game speed can be altered mid-match, with four different settings to hand lending either breakneck pace or plodding precision - though thankfully it doesn't go to extremes and avoids turning players into either Keystone Cops or k-holed calamities.

Despite our misgivings about the game's difficulty we've no doubt that over time it'll come good, and it suggests that this year's Pro Evolution Soccer will be the most hardcore yet, offering a game of potentially unprecedented depth and skill to those willing to master its new intricacies.

There's more in the offensive arsenal that backs up this theory, with a new emphasis on tricks and feints. Their execution has been simplified, a simple press of a shoulder button combining with jinks on the right stick to unleash the kind of footwork that makes defenders and spectators weak at the knees. Get the likes of Messi or Ronaldo on the ball and what ensues is almost as mesmerising as the real deal as the new animation – 90% of which is all-new – kicks in.

Countering this is a rethink of the defensive game. The physicality that FIFA nailed so well a couple of years back is finally a part of Pro Evolution Soccer's oeuvre, and it's tied in with a new move-set. Holding the X button and pushing the left stick towards the run of play gets the defender shadowing the attacker, holding up the march forwards. Let go of the stick and the defender will try and hold them up even further; move the stick towards the player in possession and the defender will lunge that will, dependent on timing, either capture the ball or leave them stranded.

When combined with the added layer of flair granted the attacking team it means that Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 has a focus on the one-on-one moments, and success in the game will be about successfully stringing such moments together just as much as it is about the team's overall performance. It might be galling at first, but this year's Pro Evolution Soccer bold new game on the pitch looks like it'll work.

There are some pleasant surprises off of it too, as for the first time in living memory the front-end won't make your eyes vomit; the start-up menu is slick and displays a little Japanese minimalism and slick design, finally bringing it in line with FIFA's smouldering polish. It extends to the rest of the game as well, the formation screen a neat and simple affair where, instead of having to plumb into lists upon lists to set up bespoke formations, players can simply be dragged around into your preferred position.

But while the presentation is now on par with FIFA, there are some areas where Pro Evolution Soccer will always be lagging. Official licences have always been the series' weakest link, and the announcement of a partnership with South America's Copa Santander Libertadores does little to stymie that. Other deals are pending, but whatever's revealed over the coming months this will still be a part of the game that Konami can never truly compete in.

What it does have over the competition is its single player engagement – the Master League has ruined many more lives than FIFA's Manager Mode, with its many blemishes, could ever hope to. This year it returns with online functionality that's yet to be detailed, and having lost countless hours to the mode in the past we live in fear of the announcement.

And even before Konami shows its full hand with Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 there's enough evidence to suggest that the series could be back to its boundary-pushing best, and that by redefining its game it can sing loud and sing proud once more. It may have taken its time, but the next generation of Pro Evolution Soccer is finally on its way.

This is the pic:

Looks good huh? I like the graphics though.

Here's our rev:

Texture : 11/11
Gameplay : 10/11
Voice Actor : 10/11
Sound : 11/11
Easy conf. : 10/11

KONAMI really made this game great. Well, see you soon. I've got a revenge finish on.


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